Sunday, March 16, 2008

Justin's Pythagoras Growing Post

Question 1:What is a Pythagorean Triple?

Three unknown numbers, a, b, and c that satisfy a²+b²=c² is a pythagorean triple.

a=6 b=8 c=10
so its a²+b²=c²

Question 2: Find the missing side/Hypotenuse

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Question 3: Problem A

Lefrog stands 1.5 meters from a wall where a fly is 2 meters up. if Lefrog's tongue comes out of his mouth 70 cm from the ground, how far does his tongue have to stretch to eat the fly ?(click the picture to enlarge it) answer: Lefrog's tongue has to stretch 1.98m to eat the fly.explanation: First we had to find out what our formula was going to be. For this question it would be a²+b²=c². Then we had to gather the information that was given to find out the lengths of a² and b² . a² was the length of how high the fly was up the wall (2m-0.70=1.3m), and b² was how far Lefrog stood from the wall(1.5). So since we already knew that information all we had to do was the calculations to find out what c² was. To do that all we had to do was add a² and b² together then find the square root of it, and then that gives you the answer to this question which was 1.98m.

Question 4:Word Problem

Today Spongebob wants to play baseball with his bestfriend Patrick. Patrick is 6 meters tall. If Spongebob is 5 meters away from Patrick and lets go of the ball 3 meters high , how far does Spongebob have to throw the ball to get it to Patrick?

1 comment:

admin said...

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