Friday, December 21, 2007

Molly's Growing Post

Question 1

First you start with the ordinary size of Betty's Snack Mix witch is 2 2/5 at the price of 3.60. Then you times 2 2/5 by 5 and you get 12, and what you do to one side you do to the other so you times 3.60 by 5 and you get 18.00. Then you take 12 and divide it by 2 so you can get half of 12 witch is 6, then you do the same to the other side witch is 18.00 divide by 2 equals 9.00.

Betty's Snack Mix Money

Times 5 2 2/5 3.60 Times 5

12 18.00

Divide 2 6 9.00 Divide 2

Question 2

1. 3 3/5 + 1 4/5 = 5 2/5

2. 1/6 + 1/9= 3/5

3. 3/5 + 2/7= 6/2

4. 2/3+ 1/4+ 2/5 = 6/4

Question 3
These are my R.A.C.E Strategies.

Question 4
A. I divided 3 pizzas by 4 people and each person got 3 slices witch it would give you 3/4.
B. 4 divided by 5 = 4/5
C. 5 divided by 6 = 5/6
D. 7 divided by 8 = 7/8

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