Monday, December 17, 2007

Kylee's Last Growing Post Question

In this last question we had to find which group had the most pieces of pizza. If you read these two pictures then they will tell you the answers I got to the questions. Enjoy!! :)
Sorry i have the pictures on the wrong sides. The second picture should be where the first pictures is.
Ok so in the second picture it tells about the groups of people and the number of pizzas each group gets. Group 1 Sally, Bob, Gidget, and Biff share 3 pizzas
Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben, and Ichkabbible share 4 pizzas.
Group 3 Eric, Suzy, James, Betty, Veronica, and Moose share 5 pizzas.
Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon, and Midge share 7 pizzas.
In the first picture it explains how many pieces of pizza each group gets.
Group 1: 4 people-3 pizzas. Each person gets 2 pieces and 1/4.
Group 2: 5 people-4 pizzas. Each person gets 4 pizza.
Group 3: 6 people-5 pizzas. Each person gets 8 pieces.
Group 4: 8 people-7 pizzas. Each person gets 7 pieces.
WHO WON?!??!
Group number 3 got the most pizza , because they each get 8 pieces of pizza.

Marking Rubric For your second Growing Post
Growing Post Question 1 Betty's Snack Mix Total (15 marks)Answers all questions 5 marks (1 per Question) Quality of Answers 10 marks 5 marks10= Perfect 8= Great Job but there is room for improvement7= Good Job but there is much room for improvement 6= Decent job but you need to work harder5= All work is done but effort is lackingLess than 5 would be for questions answered incorrectly and without effort and incomplete. 5 marks
Growing Post Question 2 (10 marks)Embeds the voicethread after question 1 (1 mark)Creates the Voicethread to answer Question (1 marks)Add Comments to further elaborate on the strategies used (1 per comment left) Max 4 marksMath work is correct in the voicethread (4 Marks) 7 marksBonus marks for any person doing more than 4 questions (2 marks) 7 marks
Growing Post Question 3 (14 marks)Uses Pictures or a voicethread to answer the question (3.5 Marks)Explains the 7 strategies using 7/8 and 11/12 (7 Marks) 12 marks Comments on the voicethread (3.5 marks .5 per comment)
Question 4 Sharing Pizza's (15 marks)Clearly shows How much pizza does each student get in the different groups? (4 marks)Shows which group gets the largest portion of Pizza (2 marks)Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways. (4 marks) 14 marksWhat strategies did you use in finding your answer. Student must show strategy and explain how it was used.(2 marks)Added comments on voicethread or added detail to explanations (3 marks) 14 marks
Total Math Work (49 marks)45/49
Formatting (21 Marks)Proper title (2 Marks)Proper labels (3 marks)Only one post and no drafts left in dashboard (2 marks)Questions are in the proper order (4 Marks) 19/21Post looks pleasing (10 Marks)Pictures are lined up, text is left justified etcThe post looks professional and not piecemeal.Completing Self Evaluation and leaving a comment (10 Marks)Completing 2 Peer Evaluations Leaving comments on the Growing Post and Voicethreads (20 marks) 10 marks per studentTotal Marks for Growing Post ( 100 Marks)64/100Growing Post Completed on time 0 mark deductionCompleted 1 day late 10 mark deductionCompleted 2 Days Late 15 Mark DeductionCompleted more than 2 days late 20 Mark Deduction

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