Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kevin's Algebra Scribe

Page 43, Algebra

1.Ms. Enigma said, “Five less let x = Ms. Enigma’s age.
than one third of my age is
14 is my age” How old is Ms.

The first thing that we do is make a sentence answer…..

Ms. Enigma is ______________ years old.
1/3x - 5= 14
To get ride of our integer we have 5to do some
Opposite operations.

1/3x – 5 = 14
1/3x +5 = 14

Now what we do to one side we do to the other.
14 + 5 = 19
x/3 is the same as saying 1/3
x/3 = 3(19)
3 times 19 = x = 57 Ms. Enigma is 57 years old

Our last step is to substitute to check

1/3x – 5 = 14
57/3 – 5 = 14
14 = 14

2.Suppose you have 5o dollars let x = the number of hours
And earn 8 dollars per hour. You must work
How many hours must you
Work until you have 170 dollars?
Now we make a one sentence answer……

You must work _______________ hours.
Hour 1= x _____________ = x = 15

Dollars per hour = 8x____ = 8(15) =
TOTAL= 8x + 50 170 dollars
- 50 ___-50___________
X= 15 8x = x 120
_____ _____ = 15 h
8 8
The last step is to substitute to check

8x + 50 = 170 dollars
8(15) + 50 = 170 dollars 170 = 170


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